Freedom & Clarity coaching.
For men 40+

Men, it’s time to create the life you want. From the inside out.

You’ve been ticking all the boxes of life. Career, marriage, kids. And doing everything you can not to fail. But things aren’t working. Maybe you feel:

  • Trapped by responsibility and obligation.

  • Stuck in an unhappy relationship and can’t see a way forward.

  • You’ve overachieved your whole life, but are empty, directionless and don’t know what comes next.

  • You just want to be free.

You’re probably distracting yourself with whatever you can. It could be alcohol, food, work or sex. But it’s not working. The voice inside your head gets louder. And you’re starting to feel it in your body too.

I see you. I hear you. And many of my clients are like you…

I’m Cassandra Andrews. My mission is to help men 40+ find the emotional and physical freedom they crave.

Life. Reprogrammed.

As we move through life we create a blueprint of values, beliefs and rules based on our experiences. We believe they give us structure or even comfort. But they don’t. Many of these values and beliefs are the source of our pain.

Working together, we'll identify your blueprint. What it means to be successful, your expectations and responsibilities towards others; and, in consequence, the lack of freedom you feel because of it.

Then, using strategies, science and therapeutic techniques, we re-programme your mind deleting self-sabotaging thoughts, beliefs and patterns.

This will create space for you to get off the hamster wheel and find the freedom you want, so that you can build a compelling vision for your future that is designed by you consciously and pulls you in the direction of your ultimate vision and purpose.

By changing your story you will change your life. Reduce stress, ensure clarity of thinking. And move forward to realise the freedom you desire.

What the men are saying

Get started now - with my journaling guide for men 40+

My free gift to you is just a click away.

The simple guide to journaling (for men who’d rather do anything than journal!) is written specifically for high net worth men over 40 who crave freedom and clarity.

It’s practical, it’s powerful. It BS free.

Start making sense of your emotions, lightening the load, and showing up in the ways you want.

Curious? Great! Let’s get going…

Discover why Jake Humphrey recommends Cassandra’s guide to journalling - and why the power of journaling is a gamechanger.

If your 40+ like me, I imagine society has led you to believe that being a ‘real and successful’ man means you; work hard, provide for your family, focus on your career, so you can buy a house and then a bigger house, invest in a luxury car and whatever you do, never speak about how you feel.

You probably formed this belief from your parents, other people, books, films, TV programmes and possibly even your imagination. What’s made you believe these references is the emotional intensity attached to them.

For example one of my clients was teased for crying when they were a young child. To protect them, their unconscious mind created a belief that crying equals weakness and will leave them vulnerable.

These powerful beliefs are why so many men are uncomfortable being alone with their thoughts and feelings, let alone share them with someone else.

In fact, a study published in Science Magazine found that men hate being alone with their thoughts so much that two-thirds would chose the pain of an electric shock over being in their own company.

But it doesn’t have to be like this.

Why men don’t talk